Thursday, June 26, 2014

It's not too late for JUNE!

The end of June is quickly coming and that means things will be changing in our club! Let's see what will be going on...

The Challenge of the Month is still going, so if you don't know what that is yet, head on over to this page here to read the rules and get involved! We encourage you to take part in this challenge, but it's not required. This specific challenge will be ending soon, but a new one will be taking it's place. Be sure to check in July to see what the new challenge will be!

 Our  encouraging notes (Hugs) have already been sent to several people. If you would like to participate let us know and we will give you the information you need. This is just one of the many outreach activities we are doing. If you know someone you would like us to send a Hug to, please let us know the following information: Name, address, email, and their situation. 

The book that was chosen for June, was the book of John. If you haven't read it yet, that's ok! There is still a little time to start or finish the book before we discuss it on our page. Questions have been added to the Discussion Questions Page. Head on over to see what questions we will be talking about! Feel free to add some of your own if you have any, and remember to have fun!! 

The title for our next book will be coming shortly! We are excited to have another book for July and can't wait to let you know what it will be. All information about this will be posted soon! 

If you are on Twitter and would like to follow us there to stay updated, L & K Book Club has a Twitter account! We would love to talk to you there! Here is the Link: Twitter

We hope you have a wonderful day and may God bless you! 
~L & K Book Club

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